Sunday, September 21, 2014

Minerva Bright - P.A.N.I.C. - Main Character

Minerva Bright

Here's a sketch I did in Autodesk Pro (Android) of Minerva Bright the main character in my novel, P.A.N.I.C. She's wearing her AR(Agent Recruit) uniform  that she wears while training to become a PANIC Agent. 

Some details about Minerva:
Joins P.A.N.I.C at age 26.
Afghan War Veteran and POW(Intervention by an Interdimensional Supernatural being allowed her to escape captivity.)
Daughter to retired PANIC Agent, James Bright who is a Wiseman in P.A.N.I.C.(Advisor) and Elena Fuerte (deceased).

Later on when Minerva finishes her training and becomes a Panic Agent she'll wear this:
The Enchanted Armor and Weapons of a PANIC Agent.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Novel Update #2: The Long Chapter.

I'm now on my third week writing my novel P.A.N.I.C.(prequel to a future novel The Pale Demon), I've now written 22,000 words so far, a total of 66 pages of raw story. Last week I wrote 14K words at 2k a day. This week I'm aiming at knocking out about 10K words minimum.

I'm currently writing a very long third chapter about the journey of my main character Minerva Athie Bright, starting out as an Agent Recruit in training for P.A.N.I.C., to become a PANIC Agent.

Hope to share an excerpt, once I have more of the novel written. 

I've created a Go Fund Me campaign to try to raise funds to buy writing software and a scanner. I am offering rewards, like advanced copies of my book  and sketch rewards.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Novel Update #1: The Road to First Draft and Beyond

I'm about a week into writing the first draft of my novel P.A.N.I.C. I will be  7,000 words in by the end of the day. Barely scratching the surface of a long third chapter that involves the training of  PANIC Agents the soldiers armed with enchanted weapons and armor equipped with knowledge of spells to fight Paranormal foes that threaten humanity.

I'm trying my best to clock in 1,000 words a day, due to my anxiety, that is usually the most I can do for a whole day. My novel is progressing along beautifully though. As I've been writing I've been heavily expanding my world, generating exciting ideas. I even got an idea for a whole separate book involving some of the characters from P.A.N.I.C. but that is further down the line. I have ideas for about 5-6 worth of books for this massive world I'm creating.

My current plan is to have the first draft of my novel finished by the end of September. I'd love to have it revised and edited by the end of October for a possible release around Halloween. I will be publishing it exclusively with Amazon via Kindle Directly Publishing, at least for a few months then will be making it available in other places.

The follow up book to P.A.N.I.C. will be The Pale Demon which P.A.N.I.C. is a prequel for. The Pale Demon was the first book I was writing, I left off 7,700 words in and began working on the prequel for it instead. As soon as I finish P.A.N.I.C. I will continue writing The Pale Demon in hopes of finishing it by Spring 2015.

That's all for now.

- Tony

Friday, September 5, 2014

Another Cover Concept for P.A.N.I.C.

Another concept for the novel I'm writing. Featuring a P.A.N.I.C. Agent with his enchanted armor.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

P.A.N.I.C. - Cover Concept